Welcome to Sevara 2! You will feel at home in Samarkand thanks to the services this small hotel offers.
While staying at the small Hotel Sevara 2, guests can visit the Gur Emir Mausoleum (2.1 km) and Registan (2.9 km), some of Samarkand's most popular attractions.
The rooms in Sevara 2 are equipped with air conditioning.
Use your room service during your stay. Sevara 2 also features a pool.
During your stay in Samarkand, be sure to go to the most popular places among locals for dumplings: Labi Gor.
If you are looking for something to do, then visiting the sights of the Regional Studies Museum (1.5 km), University Boulevard (1.5 km) and the Armenian Apostolic Church (1.0 km) are a great opportunity to have a good time. And all these places can be reached on foot from the small hotel Sevara 2.
If you stay in Sevara 2, then all the best that is available in Samarkand will be at your fingertips and you will have wonderful impressions of the trip.